‘First step’ to improve lives of autistic Australians

3 April

A helping hand to start a business and sensory-friendly public spaces are some of the ways the federal government hopes to better the lives of hundreds of thousands of autistic Australians. Unveiling a draft version of its national strategy, Social...[Read More]

Work, Wander, and Well-being: Mastering the Art of the Working Holiday

28 March

Taking your business on the road for a working holiday presents an enticing blend of work and leisure, allowing you to explore new destinations while keeping your operations running smoothly.   This concept has gained popularity with the rise of...[Read More]

Contractors in line for rewards over gender pay wins

28 March

Large employers will have to make concrete progress on gender equality targets if they want to stay in the running for future government work. Under a planned policy change, businesses with more than 500 employees will need to choose three...[Read More]

‘Full-time, always-on’ senior roles lock out women

27 March

Job sharing and more part-time senior roles are among ways employers are elevating more women into leadership and narrowing gender pay gaps. Only seven per cent of managers work part-time compared to 22 per cent of non-managers – percentages the...[Read More]

PM says minimum wage workers ‘should not fall behind’

27 March

Millions of workers covered by awards and minimum rates of pay will be hoping for a sizeable wage boost this year to help cover cost of living pressures that are only recently starting to ease. The annual wage review debate has kicked off this week...[Read More]

Empowering Your Future: The Top 10 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

21 March

Starting your own business is a journey filled with challenges, opportunities, and personal growth. It’s a path that many choose to embark upon for a myriad of reasons, each unique to the individual’s aspirations and circumstances.    Here are...[Read More]

Workers underprepared as AI reaches turning point

20 March

Only one in 20 Australian businesses are ready to deploy and leverage AI despite research suggesting almost all jobs will be affected, a report says. The crucial lack of understanding about generative artificial intelligence comes as workers already...[Read More]

Extra paid parental leave welcomed but unions want more

20 March

A jump in paid parental leave to 26 weeks will help address the gender pay gap and stop working parents from losing out when they have children, the peak union body has said as legislation cemented the move on Monday. The 20 weeks of paid leave...[Read More]

Calls to heat up competition in nation’s postal sector

20 March

Australian entrepreneur James Chin Moody loves to make curry, but he won’t settle for any old supermarket spice. “We get our curry powder sent from Humpty Doo, it’s fantastic” Mr Chin Moody tells AAP of the Northern Territory culinary...[Read More]

What does ethical investing mean? How does it relate to ESG investing?

14 March

Investing is typically perceived as a wealthy-only pastime with no regard for the environment or social issues. However, that is not always the case, and the old mindset of making money for its own sake doesn’t need to stay.   People have become...[Read More]

Work from home like a pro: tips for setting up your home office

14 March

The advent of digital technology has transformed the business landscape, ushering in a new era where working from home is no longer a rarity but a common occurrence. This shift has necessitated the need for entrepreneurs to create conducive...[Read More]

How to ask your boss to work remotely

14 March

The remote work trend has gained significant momentum in recent years, offering employees the flexibility to maintain a healthy work-life balance.   If you’re planning to join the ranks of remote workers, convincing your employer to grant you...[Read More]

NAPLAN results to arrive within weeks of testing

13 March

For more than one million Australian students, the anxious wait for their NAPLAN test results will be cut in half. On Wednesday, 1.3 million school students from nearly 10,000 schools across the nation will begin their NAPLAN examination, which...[Read More]

Need for better recognition of migrant qualifications

13 March

Australia must better recognise the international qualifications of migrants to help address crippling skills shortages, new research has found. The Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) released a report on Wednesday showing the...[Read More]

Big end of town ready on new climate regime

6 March

A survey shows big business is largely ready for Australia’s new climate disclosure regime that is slated to start soon, despite a strong pushback that could cause a delay. A climate governance study released on Tuesday by the Australian Institute...[Read More]